Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The republican parasite beast and the stock market.

The naked put etc…....

The way this works, is the parasites come together at the country club and they decide that they are going to milk the coffee industry. In the long run most of the money that they milk will be paid by the people who consume coffee.

They will suck the farmer who grows coffee, the dealers who buy coffee plus everyone looses except the parasite beast. The beast will say he insures the coffee supply and protect the farmer from the weather conditions.

The beasts come together and buy a position in coffee, It does not matter whether they buy short or long. They will short it if they buy long and they will long if they buy short.

As soon as they buy the position you will see a university study by Prof. Killstock. Prof. Killstock did a study and discovered that coffee is bad for you and cause various illnesses. The demand value of coffee drops abruptly. Kaboom! The parasite beast make money, lots of money, all the hard working people in the coffee industry, and the genuine investors loose.

Alternatively as soon as they buy the position you will see a university study by Prof. Propstock. Prof. Propstock did a study and discovered that coffee is good for you and prevents various illnesses. The demand for coffee goes up abruptly Kaboom! they make money, lots of money, all the hard working people in the coffee industry loose because they have to sell their coffee at the old agreed price, even though the price of coffee skyrocket, it is like surfing, you ride the waves, the only thing is that they can make their own waves and ride them.

The race is fixed, you as a small guy cannot win. You who drink coffee will eventually pay for all the profit the parasite beast made.

This is not just coffee, The same tactic is used in all industries, car, oil, the parasites troll and look for the vulnerable.

They buy positions in a car company, suddenly you hear over the news, car X has a problem with sudden acceleration. A few cars have the problem like any other problem that can occur in a man made thing, but the parasite beast own the news media and instruct the media to publish the sudden acceleration problem on a certain date, down goes that car company and the parasite beast make lots and lots of money.

Not only the people who make and sell the cars loose, but he people who bought that brand of car years ago loose their resale value.

This is called retroactive taxation by parasite beast.

The naked put is the ultimate, the stock broker can make his bet with nothing to back it, if it backfires no problem because he is too big to fail. The government will bail him out with the working peoples taxes.

As you can see if the parasite beast bet up, down, sideways he makes money. If he even bet wrong he make money.

You do not need to be an economist to understand the market, but you are an idiot if you are not a member of the inside club and bet.

The parasite beast will use the money that they stole from you the people, and use it to buy the government and perpetuate the robbery.

This is called parasite beast taxation which far exceeds the government taxation of the working people.

The republican parasite beast always complain about taxes, that is because they do not want the government to compete with them.

The republican parasite beast wants to be the only taxation in the country, The governments roll is to tax just enough to pay police, soldiers, and prisons to secure the parasite system.

Remember this, the republican parasite beast is the ultimate form of tax collector, far exceeding the IRS.

The republican parasite beast wants to be the only tax collector. They do not like the IRS. Competing with them. God gave them dominion over us.

The republican parasite beast will pull the god card to divide and conquer the people, and justify their dominion over us.

We need to remove the taxation by parasite beast, then the IRS. Will be the only form of taxation.

Most people do not understand the gravity of the situation. The IRS. Tax you 30% and the parasite beast tax you 60%. This means you pay 90% of your hard earned labor.

You are left with 10%. This is simple.

1% the parasite beast, own 90% of the wealth.

90% hard working people, own 10% of the wealth.

Do you see? You do not have to be an economist to figure it out.

That 60% of your labor can be used to buy the politicians, who will do the whims of the parasite beast. Actually they only need to use 1% to buy the government.

The parasite beast is gone clear with 59% of your hard earned sweat and labor.

In the mean time.

Give president Obama 4 more years.

Unuseminucum 3/20/12


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